Fondue Recipe Calculator:
  • This is the traditional Swiss Cheese Fondue!
  • Slide the Red Dots below to choose the number of people and the number of pots you'll use.
  • Use the Cheese Lab to add different cheeses and proportions.
  • The recipe (per pot) will adjust below.
  • Total ingredients will populate on the Shopping List page for a complete party shopping list.
  • Have fun!
Number of People: 9
Number of Pots: 2
Cheese Lab


Recipe for 9 people and 2 pots: ~ 5 people/pot

18 oz
9 oz/pot
18 oz
9 oz/pot
Dry White Wine
18 oz
9 oz/pot
4.5 oz
2.3 oz/pot
Corn Starch
2.3 Tbs
1.2 Tbs/pot
6.75 cloves
3.4 cloves/pot
French Baguette
6 loaves
3 loaves/pot
9 servings
1 /person
6 bottles
2 glass/person
Apple Pie
2 pies
1 servings/person
Ice Cream
2 pints
1 scoops/person
9 oz
1 oz/person
9 servings
1 cups/person

Make sure your caquelon (or pot) burner is ready to go at the table with plenty of fuel. The Fondue will be prepared on your stovetop.

Have your guests ready at the table with the burner lit. When your Fondue is ready, take it to the table and let the burner keep it bubbling.

Some add a dash of Black Pepper or Nutmeg on the surface of the cheese before delivering to the table.

See Fondue Folklore to start the meal properly and explain the important rules!
In Case of Emergency...
  • If too thick, add heated wine.
  • If too thin, add cheese or a little more corn starch.
  • If fondue separates, stir. Or, try a few drops of lemon juice and stir. Or try 1 Tsp corn starch and 2 Tbsp wine and stir.
  • There is no such thing as a bad fondue! (well, see Folklore)